Sunday, June 15, 2008

An example of E-commerce success and its causes

What is E-commerce?

Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, consists of the buying and selling of products
or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.
An example of E-commerce success and its causes

With the help from internet, I managed to find some information of E-commerce success stories from this website ( In this website, it tells us about what these merchants did to build and run a successful online venture year after year. One of the E-commerce success that I found is which is an online store for gay and lesbian shopping. Steven Sorenson, the owner of Rainbow Depot, has been dedicated to serving his customers for over 3 years. Rainbow Depot sells an array of merchandise including stickers, buttons, jewelry, and clothing. Steven wanted to create an online store where people can go to shop for gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, and queer (GLBTQ) merchandise.

This store was actually purchased from eBay in 2002; after moving his cart to Monster Commerce
, the store has grown into a full-time job for Steven. Over the years, Steven has used multiple ways to get his site noticed in the search engines including PPC (pay per click promotion) as well as free and paid submissions to the search engines. However, he now believes the most useful component to have for operating an online store is a search engine optimized shopping cart.

Steven joined Monster Commerce in 2004, within a year, he noticed that his site was being recognized by the search engines. Becoming noticed has enabled his site to have more visitors per day and in turn generate a profit.

"Since being with Monster my business has quadrupled. I am no expert on carts by any means, but any tool that can do that for your business is a tool worth keeping," explains Steven. "I quit my electronic distribution sales job and am working my online shop 7 days a week / 365 days a year and I LOVE IT. My business has grown so much that I have had to hire part-time staff."

Although still new to owning and operating an online store, Steven has learned a lot since 2002 when he first ventured into e-commerce. The one helpful hint he offers to people is how important the choice of a shopping cart can be to the growth of an e-commerce company.

"In real estate it's location, location, location. In ecommerce its shopping cart, shopping cart, shopping cart "voices Steven."If the cart isn't search engine friendly, you're not going to get much business."

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